How to Master the 9-5 to 5-9er LIFE

What is a 9-5 to 5-9er? This is an individual who has a full time job (9-5) and after work, works full time for their side hustle or start up business (5-9).

This population consists of a large group of people from various demographics and geographical areas. I for one have been doing this double duty  for 3 years. In those three years I’ve changed jobs, gotten a Doctoral degree, received a Six Sigma Certification, wrote a book, travelled, and started 1 more businesses! Here are a few tips that help me stay 110% efficient and AMAZEBALLS in the 9-5 to 5-9 realm.

Business 1- ShareTheRICH Professional Development services #careercoach #resumewriter (you know the site because you found this blog)

Business 2: Author- Wolves in Suits.. What your mamma didn't tell you and your friends don't know.

Business 3: Yoni Steam Business called Vudeax Chatte'

1)  TIME MANAGEMENT is a MAJOR KEY. No, really. I have a set schedule that tells me what I am supposed to be doing when I’m supposed to be doing it. Do I always stay on schedule? No, but if I don’t, then I miss a deadline for a resume client or a major deadline at work which is unacceptable. So I do my best to stay on point.

Major Key Alert

Major Key Alert

2)  FACTOR in time to relax and rejuvenate. THIS IS A MUST! If you don’t factor this in your health and sanity will take a toll.

3)  DELEGATE. If you have the funds hire an assistant (virtual assistants are the new thing!) and a social media manger. My social media recommendation is Ericka Dukes, Founder of Social Ink Co. If you don’t have the funds take heed to #1 and for your social media presence create and stick to a posting schedule.

4)  POSITIVE VIBES ONLY. Keep the squares out of your circle. Only keep positive energy around you! During this time of innovative ideas, tedious tasks, worked nerves; you need an overflow of positive energy!

5)  Lastly, DO BOTH UNTIL YOU CAN'T DO BOTH ANYMORE. S/o to Erica Heyward at the Ultimate Tax Experience for that tidbit of knowledge. If you find yourself a) turning down clients and/or b) generating enough profit to NOT need the cushion of your 9-5 go for it.

Ready to start your business?

Want to plan an exit strategy to dip out on that 9-5?

Contact me at for a complimentary Enrichment session.

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