4th Quarter recap: The Good, The Bad, and The Life Changing
Long time no see guys! 2020 has been one for the books! The end of the 3rd quarter ushering into the 4th quarter has had good and bad memories.
The Good- I have been safe from COVID-19 and so has my family. My businesses have been thriving! I have increased my business goals steadily by 15% each quarter. I won’t bore you with the statistics but that means more coaching calls, more consulting jobs, and more resume orders. I am connecting with my clients in a major way and I am so grateful! I have two businesses and I am an author. Visit these pages for more information. www.wolvesinsuitsbook.com, www.vudeauxchatte.org, www.sherrichmonsher.com. The holidays are coming up and I would be honored for you to patron my Black-Owned Businesses!
The Bad- On Sept 12th my dog of 15 years, companion, and dog son Stewie passed away. I was devastated and some may say, “oh he was just a dog”. But after all that time I beg to differ, dogs become family and his loss left me shattered. Thank God for friends, family, and my boo who supported my family and I during this time.
Long Live Stew!
The Life-Changing- On my birthday October 31st I eloped and married the love of my life. Our love story is crazy and organic. I cannot believe that I am married! We love to hike, so we hiked to our favorite waterfall and got married right in front of it! My best friend Ryan officiated the wedding and it was perfect. Being married is so cool and I am still on Cloud 9! I am now Dr. Sherrich Monsher Sharper! See some of our pics below.
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Sharper
How have yall been doing during this pandemic? Has anyone experienced job loss? Family loss? This year has been one of the most unpredictable years ever! It’s ok to reach out to a friend or get professional help if you need support and guidance.
Did you know that ShareTheRich offers one free 45 min coaching session? Visit my website to schedule and we can plan your next steps together. www.sherrichmonsher.com. There is still time in 2020 to make changes and I am here to help.
What are some of your highlights of 2020? Share below!