2021: The Grand Finale
First let me say that I have been SLACKING with my blogs! The first step to growth is accountability, right? I will do better in 2022!
Can you believe that we made it through 2 years of a global pandemic? We made it through family deaths, job loss, sickness, all types of binge worthy shows, and everything in between. Cheers to us! We made it!
I had two tough losses this year. In August I lost my favorite Aunt Yvette. She was classy, witty, smart, and did I mention my favorite? Her birthday is the day after mine. Her death was unexpected and broke all of our hearts. I made a post about being closed due to a death in the family and that same week about three resume orders came in. I completed the orders for two reasons, 1) I needed the money; dying is an expensive thing; and 2) working helped to comfort me.
She loved Italian ice, but hated pictures
Adulthood is weird. I never would have thought that working would be a source of comfort during such a difficult time. Have yall experienced this? Did working feverishly ease the pain?
Just as I had reduced my daily ugly crying and constant grieving from every day to 5 times a week, I unexpectedly lost my beloved dog and Resume Assistant Chino. That loss broke me completely. Daily crying became the norm, and I was always in a state of sadness. That time was a bit of a blur, I had happy moments, but then right back to sadness. I had to tell myself to allow feelings to exist, but also keep going. One foot in front of the other. I had to force myself to show up for MYSELF. That meant eating daily and finding a reason to smile.
Even though I fired him every week, he was the very BEST!
One day I looked up and realized that a whole week had passed, and I hadn’t cried. My loved ones were still on my mind, but the daily water works had subsided. I am not sure when the sadness lifted a little, but day by day I started to feel better.
I got back to work using 100% of my mental power instead of 80% mental power 10% sadness and 10% daydreaming. It felt good to be on the path of feeling whole.
Despite everything, the pandemic hasn’t been all bad. Some of us landed new jobs, started businesses, got married, and had babies. One of the bright spots of the year for me was landing a full time Salesforce role at a large company. This opportunity has been life changing for my family and I.
I’m thankful that I have remained alive and healthy throughout this pandemic (thank you Elderberry!)
I will close with this. As you enter the new year, reflect on everything that went right for you this year. Focusing on the good allows us to usher in new, positive energy for 2022.
We need that new energy to propel us into an exciting new year, full of possibilities.
I wish you all an amazing and healthy 2022!