From Laid off to Booked and Peaceful: Surviving the Pandemic
Two years ago today, I was notified that I would be laid off. I went to work in a good mood and about midway through the morning my boss asked me to come into the room with he and the owner. At the time, I worked as an HR Director, so a meeting with my boss and the owner of the company was not unusual. I walked in casually chatting about Valentine's Day activities I had planned for the staff, not knowing that my entire world was about to change.
The funny thing about this layoff was that I felt it coming earlier that month. I used my voice and spoke out on an issue and the higher-ups didn’t like it. However, my job wasn’t to be a yes ma’am, but to do my best to prevent the company from opening itself up to unethical practices that could result in lawsuits. In the workplace and in life if your intuition is telling you that something is up, LISTEN!
I waited for most of that month for the other shoe to drop, but because it didn’t happen when I felt it, I thought the time had passed. Instead of using that intuition to nudge me into applying for jobs, I carried on like business as usual.
When the words “We are eliminating your position” were said I was shocked. I thought they were joking. I remember laughing and asking if they were serious. I asked why and I brought up the issue I mentioned earlier about the ethics violation I called them out on. They assured me that wasn’t the issue. They gave a good enough business reason for the position elimination, but my gut knew that was bullshit.
I felt like as an HR Director I was a valuable member of the team. So how could I be laid off? I wanted to ugly cry and scream but I am a woman of dignity, so I saved that for later when I got home.
The layoff was such a shock and a blow! For over 11 years, I branded myself professionally and personally as an HR Professional. Who was I now? I had gotten so comfortable professionally that I let what I did at work define me. Who can relate?
I worked a few more days, until my final day. For the years I worked for the company, I would be sooooooo busy at work. The job was stressful, and most days I brought work or employee issues home with me, but it’s funny that it only took a few days to wrap up and close out everything I was working on. That really put things in perspective.
The pandemic went full throttle shortly after and everything came to a halt, including companies looking for qualified talent. Mentally I wasn’t in a good place. I was nervous about the pandemic and what that would mean for me to find another job. My health benefits ran out, and I couldn't afford COBRA. If you know me, you know that I take health and wellness very seriously. I was very scared for my future.
I remember companies scheduling me in February for future interviews in the summer. It’s funny looking back, we thought the pandemic would last a few months. Not knowing that we would still be in a pandemic even as I write these words in 2022! “Things will get better.” I would say to myself. Every day I tried so hard for the job searching in a pandemic situation not to break me. Thankfully now companies are hiring like crazy, maybe not offering the salary they should be, but that is another blog for another time friends.
Since I started ShareTheRich in 2015, my goal had always been full-time entrepreneurship. “I can’t wait to do this full-time.” I would say to myself. Folks, be careful and very specific about what you ask for.
I got exactly what I asked for after being laid off, and I used that energy to hit the ground hard with my business. Now I had time for more client meetings, virtual speaking engagements, marketing, and doing all the behind-the-scenes business tasks that I had neglected. Slowly but surely, things started to turn around. During 2020-2021 I helped more clients and made more money than I had ever made during all of my years in business.
Booked and Peaceful
These last two years have been a journey of discovery, self-growth, and a challenge to my personal and professional confidence. I stepped outside of my HR comfort zone and leaned on my other certifications, degrees, and experience to gain valuable employment, consulting jobs, and improve my business. I am able to serve clients better and allow them more access to me for coaching.
I am better because of this experience! Even though it didn’t feel like it at first!
To those of you that feel like you never bounced back from the havoc from 2020 and 2021, I say to you, you are not alone. Don’t despair. If what you are doing hasn’t been working, contact me for a FREE session. Let’s talk about it. I’ve been where you are, feeling helpless, frustrated, and scared. I am here to support and guide you through these tough times.
Click the button below to book a FREE career coaching session with me. We will work together to turn around your job searching blues.